Monday, June 6, 2011

Fisher Capital Management News:Economic warning

Global Economy Early Warning System (GEEWS) warning of nearing economic crash

Canada Business Holdings issued a warning statement  today through the Global Economic Early Warning System (GEEWS). The assumptions are supported by the fact that oil and gold prices now endangers the economic recovery. Such price levels rising day by day will cause a shocking freeze to weaker world economies and damage the overall fragile global recovery.

The price levels of commodities and currency wars can lead to a crisis scenario similar to what happened in 2008. The crisis can hit as early as October 2011.

Moses Solemon explained that “The present price levels of gold, oil, wheat and corn are very worrying. The sinking U.S. dollar and slow recovery of world economy makes a perfect scenario for crash”. The G8 and G20 meetings do not seem to have significant effect on the market behaviour, nor does OPEC’s oil production policies control present pricing.

 GEEWS signals that there are fundamental errors in the market pricing behavior. It is not all based on real supply and demand direct relation.

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